On Sunday I appeared on WFSB's Face the State to discuss Connecticut's growing budget deficit. We need to take shift action to cut spending-- otherwise we will face an unacceptable tax increase. In this segment, I lay out some specific ideas to cut spending introduced by the Governor and legislative Republicans.
Since this taping the situation has grown more dire. On Tuesday, the Office of Policy and Management revised their deficit estimate for the current fiscal year to nearly $922 million. The current projected deficit for FY2010-11 will probably also grow from the current $6 billion estimate.
I am committed to working with Governor Rell to cut spending to eliminate the deficit, and I am prepared to help make the difficult decisions that face us. If you have additional ideas you believe we should be looking at, please e-mail me at dan.debicella@cga.ct.gov.
Since this taping the situation has grown more dire. On Tuesday, the Office of Policy and Management revised their deficit estimate for the current fiscal year to nearly $922 million. The current projected deficit for FY2010-11 will probably also grow from the current $6 billion estimate.
I am committed to working with Governor Rell to cut spending to eliminate the deficit, and I am prepared to help make the difficult decisions that face us. If you have additional ideas you believe we should be looking at, please e-mail me at dan.debicella@cga.ct.gov.